Academic Measures

Keeping Our Students On Track

Upon enrollment, a student’s transcript(s) from previous schools is evaluated to ensure placement in courses that keep the student on track to earn a diploma. Depending on multiple factors, such as a student’s age, parents’ preferences, length of stay, etc. The academic plan for each student is developed using the graduation requirements from the state where the student will be earning their diploma.

Report Card

Alpine Academy issues quarterly report cards indicating the final grade and credit earned in each course. Grades are assigned in letters (A, B, C, D, or F) with final grades of D or above receiving credit. Transcripts are updated each quarter with these grades and credit and, with written consent, may be forwarded to prospective schools and/or colleges.


Within the first month of their stay at Alpine Academy, students are given the Wide Range Achievement Test 4th edition (WRAT). Although this is not an extensive assessment, it provides a basic score in the areas of word reading, sentence comprehension, spelling, and math computation. All students take the WRAT-4 at both intake and discharge as a measure of academic proficiency pre-and post- the Alpine Academy experience. More information can be found in Outcome Data.


During their stay at Alpine Academy, students may take the ACT or SAT exam. An ACT prep class is offered to provide opportunities to take practice tests, become familiar with the testing structure, and identify areas in which to improve.

For students eligible to receive accommodations on the exam, our school counselor is certified to administer the ACT on campus and implements approved accommodations, such as extra time, administering tests over multiple days, or taking the test in a small group setting. Alpine Academy can request these accommodations from the College Board or ACT with signed parental consent.


Students to eventually take the ACT or SAT, those in grades 10 or 11 will be provided the opportunity to take the PSAT in October. Results are provided to both students and parents, and students are given the original test booklet in order to compare their answers with the answer key.