Contact us Contact Alpine Academy (General Questions) Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) PhoneQuestion or CommentNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Contact Admissions For our Admissions team to better assist, please answer a few questions: "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 5 0% How did you hear about us?How did you discover Alpine Academy?* Parent Educational Consultant Attorney/Advocate County/State Agency School District Treatment Provider Website Other The average length of stay for a student is 8-12 months.Are you able to commit to this amount of time? Yes, we can. No, we cannot. Eligible Alpine Academy’s average students are ages 12-18 (7th through 12th grades) with intense therapeutic needs and behavioral challenges. We do not accept students who are chronically physically violent, in need of intense medical supervision, have an active severe eating disorder, primary diagnosis of substance abuse, etc. If you are unsure if you qualify, please see our detailed admissions requirements:Does your child meet these criteria? Yes, they do. No, they do not. Financial Commitment Alpine Academy is an industry leader and offers a superior level of care. It is not uncommon for parents to spend over 10k a month on treatment at Alpine. Some of our students are supported by district funding, yet a majority of our students are privately funded. Insurance and other individualized education programs provide some help, but Alpine Academy is considered out of network with all carriers.Is your family qualified for this level of care? Yes, we are. No, we are not. Fantastic! You can reach our Admissions Office directly by either calling 435-833-8088 or filling out the form below:Fantastic! You can reach our Admissions Office directly by either calling 435-833-8088 or filling out the form below:Thank you. Being able to commit to this criterion is standard for Alpine Academy. If you would still like to contact someone in our admissions department, please fill out this form and we'll get back to you:Your First NameEmail* Phone*Student First NameRelationship to Student Mother Father Sibling Grandparent Guardian Family Member Case Worker Self Therapist Is there any additional information you'd like to provide to enhance our understanding?EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Mountain View Campus (Female) Phone (435) 228-0100 Business Hours Monday – Friday9am – 5pm Address 1280 Whispering Horse DriveErda, UT 84074 Get Directions FollowFollowFollow Lakeview Campus (Male) Phone (435) 228-0100 Business Hours Monday – Friday9am – 5pm Address 1492 Meadowbrook Dr.Tooele, UT 84074 Get Directions Download PDF Directions