Mapping Success With Integrated Data

Welcome to Alpine Academy’s RISES System

Choosing the right therapeutic program is a big decision. At Alpine Academy, we’re here to support your child’s growth and healing through the RISES data collection and reporting tool. Designed to empower parents and guide personalized care, RISES ensures your child’s journey is purposeful and transformative.

What is RISES?

RISES stands for Relationships, Insight, Safety, Engagement, and Skills, the key areas of Alpine’s focus to promote meaningful growth.  We collect data indicating your child’s growth towards healthy connections, self-awareness, building resilience, participation, essential life skills, and much more!   RISES provides a clear roadmap for your child’s success.

 Empowering Parents Through the Dashboard

The RISES Dashboard, available via our Family Connect portal, offers real-time insights into your child’s progress. You can track key indicators, share feedback, and stay informed, ensuring you’re an active part of their journey.

Explore RISES Below

Each pillar of the RISES system plays a critical role in your child’s growth. Scroll down to dive deeper into how Relationships, Insight, Safety, Engagement, and Skills are measured and developed, and see how our comprehensive approach ensures meaningful progress.

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Explore RISES

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Average Score Over Months in Treatment

The Average Score Over Months in Treatment section provides a clear view of a student’s progress throughout their treatment journey. Each point on the timeline represents a specific month in treatment, offering a snapshot of the student’s development during that period.

By default, the dashboard might show a range of months, such as months five through eight, to highlight mid-treatment progress. However, you can use the filter panel to customize this view. Whether you want to focus on a single month to analyze short-term changes or view all months to assess long-term growth, the timeline is fully adjustable.

This feature allows you to identify patterns and trends, such as steady improvement, periods of rapid progress, or occasional dips. For example, you might notice that during the first few months, a student’s progress is slower as they acclimate to the program, but significant improvements emerge in later months as they engage more deeply in treatment.

Having this comprehensive, time-based view makes it easier for families, staff, and therapists to understand the trajectory of growth, recognize milestones, and make data-driven decisions to support the student’s ongoing success.



Filter Panel

The Filter Panel allows you to focus on a single RISES indicator, such as Insight, and track it independently. Selecting one will highlight its trend line, making it easier to understand changes over time. For example, Insight may have shown an 11% improvement over three months, indicating strong growth in this area.

Examining Specific Environments

Progress in RISES indicators can be filtered by environment:

  • School: Tracks academic-related progress, such as class participation or assignment completion.
  • Residential (Campus Life): Reflects progress in the student’s day-to-day interactions and responsibilities on campus.
  • Clinical: Focuses on therapy-related growth, such as understanding personal challenges and developing coping strategies.
  • Family & Transition: Highlights progress in family settings, including home visits, phone calls, and therapy sessions.

This breakdown helps differentiate how a student is progressing in each environment and within each indicator.


Overall Change Indicator

The Overall Change Indicator provides a concise summary of progress across the selected date range. This feature highlights percentage changes in the four key RISES progress indicators—Relationship, Insight, Safety, Engagement, and Skills, offering a quick way to evaluate growth at a glance.

For example, if you are viewing months five through eight of treatment, the indicator might show positive changes such as a 10% increase in Relationship, an 11% boost in Insight, a 4% rise in Safety, and a 13% improvement in Engagement. These percentages are calculated based on the difference between the starting and ending points of the selected period.

This tool is especially helpful for identifying areas of significant progress or those that might require additional focus. A large percentage increase in one area, like Insight, could signal substantial breakthroughs in understanding and self-awareness, while a smaller increase in another area, like Skills, might indicate an opportunity for the treatment team to adjust interventions and strategies.

By providing a clear, measurable snapshot of progress, the Overall Change Indicator empowers families and staff to track tangible results and celebrate achievements. It also serves as a conversation starter to explore what interventions and efforts contributed to positive outcomes or how challenges were addressed during the treatment process.




Date Range Selection

The Date Range Selection feature allows you to control the time frame for the data displayed throughout the dashboard. By selecting a specific range of dates, you can focus on a particular period in your child’s journey. All data and visualizations, including graphs, progress bars, and charts, will adjust to reflect the selected range.

This feature is particularly useful for tracking progress during specific treatment phases, identifying trends over time, or evaluating the impact of recent interventions. It ensures that the information you’re viewing is relevant and tailored to the period you’re most interested in analyzing.

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Skill Progress Bar

The Skill Progress Bar is a visual representation of your child’s journey in developing critical life skills, designed to provide a clear overview of their progress and growth. This tool helps you see how your child is advancing with the specific skills identified as essential for their healing and success at Alpine Academy.

The skills selected for your child’s specific plan are carefully correlated with the master treatment plan developed by their clinician. This ensures that each skill aligns with your child’s unique therapeutic goals and personal needs, creating a roadmap tailored to their healing and long-term success.

When your child first arrives at Alpine Academy, our team conducts a comprehensive assessment to determine the skills that will be most impactful for their personal journey. These skills are intentionally selected to address their unique challenges and empower them with tools for lasting change. From the outset, your child will focus on 4-5 skills at a time—an intentional number that ensures depth and quality in their learning process.

As your child makes progress, new skills may be introduced to support their evolving needs. Completed skills move into the Mastered section, representing significant milestones in their development. Over time, the goal is for all skills from the Future Skills section to transition through In Progress and eventually into Mastered, illustrating a full-circle transformation in skill acquisition.

This system also provides parents with a clear, tangible way to track their child’s achievements and areas of focus. By the end of their journey at Alpine Academy, the Skill Progress Bar offers a comprehensive visual story of their growth, reflecting the effort, resilience, and success your child has demonstrated along the way—all while maintaining alignment with their individualized treatment plan.


Skill Progress Line Graph

The Skill Progress Line Graph provides a dynamic view of your child’s progress with a specific skill over time, offering valuable insights into their development and growth. The graph visually represents the journey of a single skill, allowing you to monitor changes and improvements as your child works toward mastery.

The skill being tracked is determined by your selection in the Student Skill Plan section. To view progress for any specific skill, simply navigate to the panel and select the desired skill. The graph will then display the progress data for that skill. Once a skill is marked as complete, it will no longer appear in the graph, as tracking ceases upon mastery.

Each student begins their skill work at a level reflective of their unique starting point. Our team customizes a plan to guide them through the progression of the skill based on their individual needs and abilities. This personalized approach means that reaching a score of “4” or any other number does not universally signify completion. Instead, the completion of a skill is determined by how well the student meets the goals and benchmarks specifically outlined for them.

The Skill Progress Line Graph serves as a valuable tool to help parents understand not just the end results, but the effort, consistency, and growth their child demonstrates throughout their journey at Alpine Academy. It ensures that each step in skill development is tailored and meaningful, leading to long-term success.



Student Skill Plan

The Student Skill Plan provides a detailed view of the specific skills your child is working on, along with their progress status. Each skill is represented by a colored circle and an associated symbol, giving you an at-a-glance understanding of its current state:

  • Grey Circle: Indicates a skill that has been identified as important for your child’s healing and development but has not yet been started. These are future skills that will be addressed as part of their individualized plan.
  • Yellow Circle: Shows that the skill is currently in progress. To ensure focused and effective learning, your child works on no more than 4-5 skills at a time.
  • Green Circle: Marks a skill as completed, signifying that your child has successfully achieved the goals and milestones set for that skill.

In addition to the status markers, each skill is accompanied by numbers that represent points of data and interactions related to that skill. These data points highlight the depth and frequency of your child’s engagement with each skill, offering valuable insights into their progress and effort.

The Student Skill Plan serves as a central hub for understanding your child’s ongoing development, providing both a snapshot of their current work and a roadmap of the skills that will support their long-term success.



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Most Issued Protocols

The Most Issued Protocols section is visualized through a pie chart that displays the ratio of various protocols your child is working on. This chart helps identify which protocols are being used most frequently, offering a clear picture of where your child might need the most immediate support.

For example, if the pie chart indicates that School Refusal accounts for 69% of the protocols issued, this tells us that this area requires focused attention. Based on this data, the treatment team can develop an individualized plan tailored to address the underlying challenges contributing to this protocol. This might include strategies such as introducing scheduled short breaks during classes to help your child better regulate their time and engagement in the classroom.

By highlighting the protocols your child uses most, this section provides valuable insights into patterns and needs, allowing for a proactive and personalized approach to their care and progress. It helps both you and the team understand where to focus efforts to maximize growth and success.



Total Hours on Protocol

The Total Hours on Protocol section provides a detailed look at how many hours are spent supporting your child during specific protocols. It’s important to note that the number of issued protocols doesn’t always correlate with the amount of time spent on them. For example, a protocol that is issued less frequently might still require a significant amount of time to address, highlighting its complexity or severity.

By analyzing the relationship between hours spent and protocol frequency, we can better understand the severity and predictability of certain behaviors or challenges. This insight allows us to create more targeted and effective individualized plans for your child’s treatment.

Additionally, this section offers transparency for you as a parent, showing the effort and time dedicated to addressing specific protocols. It helps you see how the time invested aligns with the strategies and plans designed to support your child’s healing and success.


List of Protocols

The List of Protocols provides a complete overview of all protocols used at Alpine Academy. Each protocol is paired with a colored circle, which serves as a visual reference for the Total Hours on Protocol and Most Issued Protocols sections. This section also includes brief explanations of each protocol, offering insight into how they support your child’s progress and individualized care.