by aastaff | May 24, 2014 | Parenting Advice
Having a son would be so much easier than having a daughter, right? I mean, really, how many of us men actually know how to put our daughter’s hair into a pony tail, how to paint nails, or what color of shirt can only go with which pair of pants? And that’s just the...
by Cassaundra | May 24, 2014 | Parenting Advice
As we approach the season of Fall and the leaves start to bring forth their vibrant colors and the feeling of the air begins to change, my thoughts are turned to recognizing the miracle of change. Change surrounds us each new day and each new season. The change of...
by Christian | May 22, 2014 | Program Info
Hope is a horse rescued by Alpine from an abusive owner. Her sweet nature brings peace to the girls at Alpine Once I was hosting a set of parents and their daughter for a campus tour as they considered Alpine Academy as a placement for her. They had visited two...