Family Weekends

The foundation of Alpine Academy is our family-focused treatment. The only way to make lasting, long-term change is by addressing the whole system and working with all members of the family toward their goals. In order to be successful in this area, we need family involvement and participation.


Monthly Family Visits

Parents and/or family members are invited to visit their child on a monthly basis. (Please see the school calendar for specified visit weekends.) These weekends include in-person family therapy, coaching from Family-Teachers, involvement in the day-to-day activities of the campus, and quality time with the student.

Goals of these visits include:

  • Encourage family involvement & connectedness
  • Develop healthy family & sibling relationships
  • Teach parents about setting contingencies
  • Teach child about accepting decisions from parents
  • Help parents learn to set reasonable expectations and enforce rules
  • Allow child to “show off” their new skills in a safe, structured environment

Initially, family visits take place on Alpine’s campus. Subsequent visits may include off-campus time nearby.

Our goal is for students and families to practice their new skills in their own environment. Eventually family visits may include a home visit or travel to a family destination.

Quarterly Family Workshops

Alpine Academy holds quarterly workshop weekends for all family members. These weekends include breakout sessions, keynote speakers, therapy sessions, and experiential activities.

Please refer to the calendar for dates of these weekends. A detailed agenda will be sent to you prior to the weekend.

Incredibly helpful to hear from alumni students how much they learned at Alpine and how the skills developed continue to help them every day.
Alumni Parent.