Typical Student
We Track The Data
Alpine Academy parents undergo a globally recognized survey at the start and finish of their child’s treatment.
Typical Presenting Issues Prior to Alpine
- 83% Depression
- 76% Anxiety
- 60% Self-Harm
- 53% Suicidal Ideation
- 53% Trauma
- 46% Social/Peer Issues
- 34% Substance Abuse
- 29% Adoption/Attachment
- 26% Minor Aggression
- 26% School Avoidance
- 22% Disordered Eating
- 18% AWOL
- 18% ASD or ASD Traits
- 15% Learning Disability
Parent’s Rating of Clinical Change After Alpine Academy
Results from the National Youth Outcome Questionaire
Individualized Support
Alpine Academy is dedicated to serving those students and families whom our experience tells us can be successful with our unique approach.
To that end, we take great care to thoroughly assess each referred student to ensure the appropriateness of fit, not only in general but also specifically to the given time and circumstances, taking into account the availability of certain therapists and treatment teams that would be ideally suited to each student.
What To Expect
Alpine Academy does not admit students who:
- have been chronically physically violent toward peers;
- are legally adjudicated or on probation;
- have a primary diagnosis of substance abuse, dependence, or addiction disorder;
- are in need of intense or ongoing medical supervision due to a medical condition,
- severe eating disorder, withdrawal from an illegal substance, or recent suicide attempt or intent;
- have run away from home or other treatment settings frequently or for long periods of time;
- are pregnant;
- are significantly cognitively challenged (full-scale IQ below 80).
Background Information
It is important that we gather background and historical information in addition to the most recent professional documentation available, such as the following:
- psychological and psycho-educational testing or evaluations
- treatment plans and/or discharge summaries from prior therapeutic settings (including psychiatric hospitals)
- summaries, notes, or evaluations from current or past therapists, psychiatrists, or other professionals
- Individualized Education Plans (IEP – when applicable) from the school district
- any other documents that would provide information related to why the student is being referred for this level of care
If some or all of this documentation does not exist or is not available, or if we feel we need additional information or clarification, we will request a direct conversation with a professional working with your child currently or in the recent past. In order to do this, a “Consent for Release of Information” form must be filled out, providing your authorization for that professional to share confidential information with us about your child.