Individualized Support

A Plan For Success

Two questions guide the academic team in developing a new student’s academic program at Alpine Academy:

  1. What does the student need to be successful at school?
  2. What are the student’s educational plans after Alpine?

Based on the answers to these questions, students are placed in the appropriate courses, provided with the remediation and/or enrichment required, and continual communication with the entire team (parents/guardians, referring professional, primary therapist, Teen LIFE Coaches) facilitates adjustments to the plan as necessary.

Examples of Individualized Academic Options

Scheduling a student in two English classes (for example) so they are able to recover lost credit while staying on track with other students their age.

Our “extended school year” is spread throughout the entire calendar year rather than just in the summer, allowing us to offer additional courses all year long. With these extra minutes, a student at Alpine Academy could recover credit and still have time in their schedule to take an elective class that interests them.

Providing both Honors and Remedial English courses to target all ability levels.

When remedial needs cannot be met in the regular classroom environment, Alpine’s special education director provides a research-based literacy intervention program designed to improve reading across content areas.

Accessing online learning when a student needs a specialized course.

Alpine Academy contracts with Brigham Young University’s Independent Study Program ( to broaden the scope of courses offered. Our goal is to provide direct instruction if at all possible, but this resource allows us to offer both remedial and challenging curriculum.

In the event a student takes one of these courses, a teacher or other facilitator is provided to guide the student through the process.

Providing a variety of electives to encourage experiential learning and life skills.

Although a small school, Alpine Academy is able to offer several elective courses including art, dance, drama, psychology, financial literacy, emergency medical services, and courses in Family and Consumer Science such as foods, clothing, and child development.