
Helping Every Student Reach Academic Goals For Success At Alpine And Beyond

We strive to prepare your child for their next academic setting, be it a public or private school, college, or a less restrictive therapeutic setting. They will leave our program empowered with the skills they need to effectively access the curriculum in their next school environment.

“Our daughter’s growth at Alpine was astonishing. From academic struggles to university acceptance.”
— Parent

traditional academic

Course Offerings

Alpine Academy understands that most of our students are preparing to return to a traditional academic setting with a less supportive structure. Therefore, we have designed our academic program to reflect that setting by using a direct instruction teaching style with teachers in classrooms dedicated to a single subject area. We celebrate the different learning styles, rates, and individual capabilities of our students by teaching them how to use different tools, coping skills, and supports to be successful in the classroom. We then aim to taper off some of the individualized supports as they prepare to go home in order to best prepare them for their next academic setting.

“Our academic program is accredited by the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC) in partnership with Cognia. Alpine Academy teaches a standards-based curriculum aligned to the National Common Core Standards for English and Mathematics, and aligned to the Utah State Core Curriculum for all other courses. Furthermore, courses at Alpine Academy have been reviewed and approved by the NCAA Eligibility Center and meet the A-G standards for universities in California. In addition, Alpine Academy is a nonpublic school certified by the California Department of Education and the Illinois State Board of Education. We are dedicated to prepare our college-bound students for the rigor they will take on in higher education.”

Academic Counseling

-Monitoring graduation timeline

-Credit recovery

-Grade replacement

-Academic transition plans

-College & career planning

Academic Counseling

Colleges Attended by Alpine Academy Graduates

Map of Colleges where Alumni attend
  1. Appalachian State University, NC
  2. Bradley University, IL
  3. Brigham Young University, UT
  4. College of Wooster, OH
  5. Cornell University, NY
  6. Durham University, UK
  7. Hofstra University, NY
  8. Indiana State University, IN
  9. Kennesaw State University, GA
  10. Lander University, SC
  11. Miami Dade College, FL
  12. Moorpark College, CA
  13. Northern Idaho College, ID
  14. Penn State University, PA
  15. Quinnipiac University, CT
  16. Sacramento State University, CA
  17. Saint Mary’s College, CA
  18. Salt Lake Community College, UT
  19. Seattle University, WA
  20. Southern Oregon University, OR
  21. Southern Utah University, UT
  22. The New School, NY
  23. Texas Tech University, TX
  24. Tufts University, MA
  25. Tuskegee University, AL
  26. Utah State University, UT
  27. Utah Valley University, UT
  28. University of California, Berkeley, CA
  29. University of California, Davis, CA
  30. University of California, Los Angeles, CA
  31. University of California, San Diego, CA
  32. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
  33. University of Delaware, DE
  34. University of Illinois at Chicago, IL
  35. University of Louisiana Lafayette, LA
  36. University of Louisville, KY
  37. University of Oregon, OR
  38. University of Tampa, FL
  39. University of Tennessee, TN
  40. University of Texas, TX
  41. University of Utah, UT
  42. University of West Florida, FL
  43. Willamette University, OR
  44. Winthrop University, SC
  45. Arizona State

“Alpine transformed my life. Now I’m off to Arizona State University with a scholarship.”
— Student

“Alpine surpassed our expectations. My child was accepted to ASU after almost failing.”
— Parent

Therapist working with a young man

Academic Measures

Upon enrollment, a student’s transcript(s) is evaluated to ensure placement in courses that keep the student on track to earn a diploma:

      • Student’s age
      • Parents’ preferences
      • Length of stay
Faculty meeting with student

Individualized Support

Helping our students experience the world through different activities and adventures, enriches their learning and therapeutic care.

Therapist working with a young man

Students with

Does your teen require special education services? We are here to help. Learn more about what we do at Alpine Academy for students who need that support.

“Alpine helped me graduate and become a better person. They’re life-changing.”
— Student

“Alpine’s education was top-notch. She caught up on credits and graduated ahead of schedule.”
— Parent

Academic Calendar

Extended Academic School Year

Extended Academic School Year

Alpine Academy’s year round school calendar includes 210 instructional days, which is 30 more days than a traditional school calendar.

We use these additional days to increase the number of courses a student can take. This yields many benefits, including exposure to electives, opportunities to recover credit, options to take honors courses or remediation as necessary, and the ability to schedule therapy as a regular part of the school day.

Supplemental Extracurricular Classes

Supplemental Extracurricular Classes

Enrichment classes (called clubs) are held for 3 hours each Friday, and students have an opportunity for off-campus activities to enhance their educational experience. Two hours of additional tutoring is also offered on Fridays.

Getting Back To Normal Life

Getting Back To Normal Life

We prepare both the student and the family for a stable transition from our structured treatment setting to their home environment—equipped with skills that will help them do well at home, in school, at work, and as a contributing member of their community.

Alpine Academy Logo


Superior Student Performance

Students Perform Better

While at Alpine Academy, students make significant gains in reading comprehension and math computation. They move from the 51st percentile to the 62nd percentile in reading comprehension; in math, they move from the 38th percentile to the 51st percentile.

The average increase in GPA from intake to discharge is .74 points, almost one full letter grade.

During a student’s first grading period at Alpine, their average GPA is 3.07; during their last grading period at Alpine, their average GPA is 3.36.

Scores based on the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT 4)

Scores based on the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT 4)


Average GPA

First Grading Period


Average GPA

Last Grading Period

Back On Track


Behind On Credits

63% of our students come to Alpine Academy behind on credits.



Back On Track

98% of students are able to get back on track to graduate with a diploma at the time of discharge.


Mastery of Core Standards

Students achieve an 88% of mastery in all measurable core standards.