Laurel Dexheimer

Laurel Dexheimer, LCSW

Primary Therapist
Mountain View

Laurel Dexheimer is a Primary Therapist at Alpine Academy. She received her Bachelor’s of Social Work from the University of Utah, and her Master’s Degree from Utah State University. Prior to becoming a therapist, Laurel was a Family Teacher for seven years and is seven times certified in the Family Teaching Model.

Teenagers and social work have been Laurel’s passion throughout her career. In addition to her time at Alpine Academy, she has been a substitute teacher and an intern with Dixon Girls. Both of these positions allowed her to experience working with a wide range of personalities. In addition, she assisted in starting a school social work program at an alternative high school where she was an intern with the school district.

In her free time, Dexheimer loves to lose herself in a good book. Growing up, her mother was a Librarian and her father was a Teacher, so reading comes naturally to her. Laurel enjoys being a small part of assisting in the changes that occur to the students when at Alpine Academy. According to her, seeing the youth recognize their worth is very rewarding and she often learns just as much from her students during that process as they learn from her. She is passionate about her work, and is beyond grateful to be the person that her students can lean on when they need it.


  • LCSW
  • 7x Teaching-Family Model Certified